Dr. Kranthi R Vardhan

Curing Back Pain in Ayurveda

Curing Back Pain in Ayurveda

Are you experiencing unusual pain in your back? Is this pain hampering your day-to-day activities? Well, you are not the only person who is going through this physical discomfort. A majority of the population in India and across the world is suffering from either chronic or acute back pain. Back pain is the biggest health issue in the world.


According to recent reports 

  • Globally, around 540 million people are affected by back pain.

  • 5% of people having back pain are prone to develop chronic back pain.

  • Around 7.5% of the world’s population suffers from lower back pain.

  • Women, those over 30 and people who are classified as obese are at a greater risk of developing low back pain.

  • Back pain is one of the most prominent reasons for missing a day of work. Nearly 4 in 10 office employees experience lower back pain.

Back pain has impacted many lives so far. It is one of the leading causes of disabilities. As per the research conducted by Mayo Clinic, it is found that a back problem is the third most common reason for a visit to the doctor’s office.

Although there are many causes of back pain, in this article we will be discussing some of the major causes and cure through Ayurvedic treatments for back pain.

Let’s get started!




Our backbone, or spinal column, is one of the strongest parts of the body, which gives us flexibility and strength.


It’s made up of twenty-four bones, which are known as vertebrae, one situated on top of the other. These bones have discs in between them and many strong ligaments and muscles around them. We can also find the bones in the tail bone at the bottom of the back, which are fused together and have no discs in between.

There are many small joints on either side of the spine, running from top to bottom, called the facet joints. The spinal cord passes inside and is protected by the vertebrae.


The spinal cord connects to the brain through the base of the skull to the rest of the body by nerves that pass through spaces between the bones of the spine. 

As we grow older, the structures of our spine, such as the joints, discs and ligaments, age too. The spinal structures remain strong, but it is normal for your back to get stiffer as you get older.


Other causes include poor postures, lack of yoga and exercise, and muscles spraining and straining.


Some medical conditions can also lead to severe back pain. These include Spondylosis, Sciatica, Spinal Stenosis, Osteoporosis, infection, etc.




Ayurvedic treatment for back pain encompasses both herbal treatments and regular yoga asanas.

Avoid sitting idle for long hours

Prolonged sitting in the wrong posture can lead to severe unusual back pain. It is important to stand up or take short breaks while you are working for long hours in the same sitting posture.

Avoid Improper Lying Posture: As we are working from home, we have the luxury to anytime switch to our comfort zones, that is our bed. Generally, we tend to forget that it is crucial for us to sit and sleep in the right posture, hence ending up with a painful back. Therefore, try maintaining the right posture even while lying.

Massage therapy: In Ayurveda, there are a number of massage therapies ranging from self-massage to herbal massage. These are performed by professionals and can help you improve your back’s condition.

Continue with regular exercise for your back: Performing regular back exercise can help you keep your posture right and prevent unnecessary painful back pain.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle 

Any change in posture to maintain the natural curvature of the spine impacts our way of living. 

Curing back pain in Ayurveda encompasses treatments which focus on many aspects like diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies. Herbal remedies help minimise the inflammation in soft tissues and relax the supporting musculature.

Abhyanga: It is a massage therapy done with warm medicated oil. It provides relief from back pain by balancing the doshas. 

Kati Vasti is also an Ayurvedic method of curing lower back pain.

Pranayama; Regular Pranayama can be helpful in balancing Vata dosha. Anulom viloma or any other breathing can also help in balancing Vata.



Tips For Healthy Back

  • Try avoiding refrigerated and processed food. 

  • Eat only warm, sour, and salty foods to pacify vitiated Vata.

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