Dr. Kranthi R Vardhan

Ayurvedic Sleep Medicine: Unlock the Secrets for Restful Nights

Sleep disorders are a growing concern in today’s world of fast pace. They affect millions around the globe. These issues are often caused by stress, technology and an irregular lifestyle. Ayurveda may be the answer to your sleeplessness. The ancient Indian system of medicine offers holistic sleep solutions that go beyond treating symptoms. This article will explore the Ayurvedic system of sleep medicine and its practices. We’ll also look at natural remedies to help you achieve the restorative sleep that you need.

 Understanding Sleep Disorders

The term sleep disorders refers to a wide range of conditions which disrupt the normal sleeping patterns. These disorders, which range from sleep apnea to insomnia, can cause fatigue, mood changes, and reduced quality of living. Ayurveda believes that sleep is essential to overall health. Dosha imbalances (Vata Pitta and Kapha), are thought to contribute to sleep disturbances.

Balance Doshas to Improve Sleep

1. Dosha – How to Identify Your dominant Dosha

It’s crucial to identify your predominant dosha before applying Ayurvedic treatments. Individuals react differently based on their Doshas.

  1. Vata Dosha: These people tend to have anxiety-driven sleeping disorders. 
  2. Pitta Dosha: These people may experience sleep problems due to overheating, 
  3. Kapha Dosha: This dosha type is prone to excessive sleepiness.

 2. Adjusting lifestyle habits

 Ayurveda stresses the importance of “dinacharya,” a daily routine that is consistent. The internal body clock is regulated by going to sleep and getting up each morning at the same time. A calming routine and avoiding stimulating activities near bedtime can help you sleep better.

Ayurvedic Sleep Medicine: Herbal Remedies

  1. Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera: Ashwagandha helps to reduce stress in the body and encourages relaxation. This herb can calm down the nervous system, reduce anxiety and improve sleep.
  2. Brahmi: Brahmi has been known to improve the cognitive functions and support nervous systems. It helps calm the mind and reduce restlessness.
  3. Jatamansi, also known as Nardostachys jatamansi: Jatamansi has been used in Ayurveda to treat sleeping disorders. The calming, sedative effects of jatamansi can alleviate insomnia.
  4. Tagar: It is also known as Indian Valerian or Tagar in Ayurveda. Tagar has sedative properties and is used for relaxation. It helps induce sleep, and can improve the quality of sleep.
  5. Shankhpushpi, (Convolvulus pluriricaulis),: Shankhpushpi can improve mental function and relieve stress. This herb can calm an overactive mind, promote relaxation and improve sleep.
  6. Lavender: It is a calming plant that does not originate in India. Its aroma has been used extensively by Ayurveda practitioners for centuries. You can use lavender oil or dried flowers to help create an atmosphere that is conducive to sleeping.
  7. Matricaria chamomilla: In the same way, although chamomile does not originate from India, its relaxing and calming properties are highly valued by Ayurveda. The tea of chamomile is used for promoting sleep and easing anxiety.
  8. Sarpagandha: It is also called Indian Snakeroot. It’s used by Ayurveda in the treatment of hypertension, sleep disorders, and other ailments. Sedative properties can induce sleep.
  9. Triphala: It consists of three fruit blends (Amalaki Bibhitaki Haritaki), and it is used for overall health. This can help with digestion and detoxification which in turn can contribute indirectly to a better night’s sleep.
  10. Mandukaparni is also called Gotu Kola. It helps to promote mental clarity. It helps calm the brain and promotes restful sleep.

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Ayurvedic herbal remedies can be powerful, and you should use them under supervision of an experienced healthcare professional, particularly if your health is compromised by medications. 

Dietary adjustments:

A healthy diet will contribute to a better quality of sleep. These dietary suggestions can promote sound sleeping:

  1. A Balanced Diet : Concentrate on a diet rich in nutrients. Include whole grains, proteins with lean fats, vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods in your diet.
  2. Caffeine Limit: Do not consume caffeine or nicotine (found in tea, coffee, cola and chocolate) close to sleep time. These stimulants can make it difficult to get to sleep and to stay asleep.
  3. Moderate alcohol: Although it may initially cause you to feel sleepy, drinking too much alcohol can disturb your sleep cycle. This will lead to poorer sleep quality. Moderate alcohol consumption is recommended. Avoid drinking it near bedtime.
  4. Eat Light Meals before Bedtime: A heavy meal, especially one that is spicy or rich, can make it hard to fall asleep. Try to finish your meal at least several hours before you go to sleep.
  5. Hydrate: Try to drink enough liquids throughout the day but limit your intake at night to avoid frequent bathroom trips.
  6. Eat foods rich in tryptophan: Tryptophan, an amino acid which promotes relaxation and sleep. Tryptophan is found in foods like bananas, turkey, poultry, nuts, seeds and dairy products.
  7. Complex carbohydrates: Eating foods rich in complex carbohydrate, like whole grains, will help to increase production of serotonin. This neurotransmitter helps regulate sleep.
  8. Magnesium Rich Foods The calming effect of magnesium on the nervous systems is well known. To get enough magnesium, include foods such as leafy greens and nuts in your daily diet.
  9. Avoid Sugar and Processed foods: A high sugar intake and the consumption of processed food can cause energy crashes and spikes, and may disrupt your sleep cycle. When possible, choose whole foods that have not been processed.
  10. Hygiene factors: Although not directly linked to diet, a regular sleep schedule, creating an environment conducive to sleep, and using relaxation techniques may help support healthy sleeping.


Ayurveda takes a holistic view of sleep disorders, focusing on the cause and the imbalance within the body. These natural remedies and food habits can help you improve your sleep, boost your overall health, and awaken feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. It is always suggested to consult with an experienced Ayurvedic doctor to treat the root cause of the problem. I can visit Vardhan Ayurveda‘s nearest branch to discuss your specific sleep issues. 



1. Are Ayurvedic medicines safe for all?

Ayurvedic treatments are safe in general, but you should consult with an Ayurvedic specialist before beginning any new regime, particularly if your health is already compromised.

2. Can Ayurveda cure severe sleep disorders?

Ayurveda is effective for mild and moderate sleep disorders. Severe cases, however, may need a combination approach, which includes conventional medical treatment.

3. What is the average time it takes to see results after using Ayurvedic treatments?

The results can differ from one person to another. Some people may see improvements in a matter of weeks while others could take longer. The key is consistency.

4. Do I need to have any experience before practicing meditation or pranayama?

Absolutely! You can begin with beginner-friendly techniques of meditation and pranayama. As you progress, you will be able to explore more advanced techniques.

5. Is Ayurveda only herbal medicine?

Ayurveda is a holistic system that emphasises diet, lifestyle and herbs to improve overall health.

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