Dr. Kranthi R Vardhan

6 Effective Herbal Remedies for Managing Sciatica Pain

6 Effective Herbal Remedies for Managing Sciatica Pain

Sciatica pain occurs when a herniated disc or an overgrowth of bone puts pressure on part of the sciatic nerve. This leads to inflammation around the nerve. According to Ayurveda, it is caused by an aggravated Vata dosha. There are several herbal remedies for managing sciatica pain as mentioned in the ancient Ayurvedic texts. These herbal remedies have been proven effective in managing sciatica pain.


Although there are many herbal remedies for managing intolerable sciatica pain, we will be listing some of the most useful and effective herbal remedies in managing sciatica pain.


Let’s get started!




In this section, we are going to discuss some of the most effective herbal remedies for treating and managing sciatica pain.




Nirgundi is an aromatic shrub found mostly in the tropical regions of India. According to Ayurveda, it is also known as ʽsarvaroganivaraniʼ – a herbal remedy for all diseases including managing sciatica pain.


Nirgundi is beneficial in managing diabetes by improving insulin levels due to its antioxidant property. Its unique herbal property helps manage inflammatory reactions by inhibiting the activity of certain mediators due to the presence of anti-inflammatory properties. Taking Nirgundi powder twice a day or the application of Nirgundi paste to the affected area. It also helps in managing sciatica pain and provides relief from pain due to vitiated Vata eventually balancing the doshas. 


Other benefits 

The powder made of Nirgundi can also help in the case of piles by reducing the irritation of inflamed tissue.


Before you take this herbal remedy for managing sciatica pain, do consult a specialist.

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Guggulu is another herbal remedy in Ayurveda which helps in managing sciatica pain. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it relaxes the sciatic nerves, and gives relief to the person experiencing sciatica pain.


Trayodashang Guggulu has the following potent healing property:


  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Muscle relaxant

  • Antioxidant

  • Anti-arthritic

  • Analgesic

  • Adaptogenic

  • Carminative

  • Anti-gout


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Dasamoolarishtam is an ayurvedic liquid medicine used as a health tonic and pain reliever. It is one of the herbal remedies for managing spine-related pain including sciatica pain.


It is an effective ayurvedic remedy for dealing with and managing sciatica pain as it pacifies Vata and provides strength to the body. It also detoxifies other organs of the body and removes toxins. Hence, it is generally used for managing sciatica pain.



  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Hematogenic (helps in the formation of red blood cells)

  • Mild natural Analgesic

  • Muscle relaxant

  • Anti-arthritic

  • Carminative

  • Digestive Stimulant

  • Antioxidant

  • Antibacterial

  • Adaptogenic

  • Mild anthelmintic (due to vidanga)

  • Anti-stress

  • Antidepressant

  • Haematinic (increases hemoglobin levels)


Before you take this herbal remedy for managing sciatica pain, it is advisable to consult a specialist.


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Jaiphal is one of the herbal remedies that suppresses Vata and Kapha dosha. Thus, relieving the pain in the nerves and muscles.


How to use jaiphal- Grind the Jaiphal, fry it in sesame oil till brown, and massage gently over the areas of pain.




Ashwagandha is a natural herbal remedy which is known for its multifaceted benefits. 


Ashwagandha churna is available as a natural tonic for the overall betterment of health. Ashwagandha is a Sanskrit term which has a literary meaning, a horse’s vitality that vitalises the living body to give strength as that of the horse. 


This herbal remedy helps in managing sciatica pain which causes numbness and pain in the muscles. Another effective Ayurvedic of Ashwagandha is that it soothes inflammation in the body and pacifies the Vata dosha.


Other benefits 

Ashwagandha churna consists of natural ayurvedic herbs that help in improving memory. Ashwagandha is a traditional herb that has been used as a stress reliever.


Before you take this herbal remedy for managing sciatica pain, it is advisable to consult a specialist.


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Pippali is a herbal remedy that is used widely for various ailments and relieves sciatica pain. It is also considered a Rasayana – a life-extending herb. When pippali is applied topically, it eliminates soreness in muscles and joints.


Instructions to use

  • Boil Pippali seeds in water

  • Strain the liquid

  • Mix with ground ginger and powdered camphor and apply to the area of pain for relief.



  • It has anti-inflammatory properties

  • It may show analgesic property 

  • It acts antioxidant

  • It has antimicrobial property 

  • It has anti-cancer properties

  • It shows anti-stress activity

  • It exhibits nootropic properties


Do consult the ayurvedic Specialists for better understanding and instructions to take the above-mentioned herbal remedy for managing sciatica pain.


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All the above-mentioned herbal remedies are beneficial in managing sciatica pain, but before you take any of these, make sure to seek the advice of a qualified ayurvedic specialist as she may direct you to take these remedies in the right proportion.


In case you are looking for a spine care specialist in Hyderabad you may click on the given link and contact the specialist.

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